Christmas is a time of celebration, but it also tends to be a time of high-fat, high-calorie food. Being part of the Christmas celebration without sabotaging your health goals may be difficult, but it is definitely doable. The key to eating healthy at Christmas is to plan ahead, bringing your own snacks and dishes if necessary, so that you don’t get caught unaware and end up filling up on unhealthy options.
Eat healthy breakfast on Christmas morning. Include at least one fruit or vegetables and some protein, such as eggs or nuts. This will help avoid hunger and prevent gluttonyhigh-calorie snacks, wait for the big lunch or dinner service.
Step 2
Put a nutritional food celebration. Provide preliminary offer salads and vegetables dishes, so you can be sure that, at least, there will be a healthy project in this meal.
Step 3
Packaging snacks with you in case you can’t find any health to eat snacks. An apple or an orange and a small bag of nuts make a good portable snacks.
Step 4
Use a healthy snack or dessert every three to four hours a day. This will help keep the blood sugar level stability, is more health than spending a large meal.
Step 5
Load your plate and the choice of health first. Rather than straight to calories and high fat dishes, choose some lean Turkey or ham and vegetable for your first dish. You can have some high heat option when you’re ready seconds, has a complete.
Step 6
Drink a glass of red wine with your Christmas dinner. Red wine resveratrol is high, a chemical plant, can help fight heart disease and cancer. If you don’t drink, try a cup of grape juice or only plain boiled water instead.
Step 7
Practice portion control. But not completely deprived of his own high calorie options, try a piece of or just a bite, enough to let a taste, but not enough to make you feel filling.
Step 8
Have a cup of tea before, even replace, dessert. Tea has a large number of antioxidants, and can put your full filling liquid, make it is unlikely you will big eat cake, cake and candy.
Christmas is a holiday that centers around celebrations full of food and drinks. Many people overdo it during the holiday season and end up with unwanted pounds in the new year. It is possible to celebrate Christmas without gaining weight, and having a specific diet plan will help you do this.
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